28.9 C
March 25, 2025


Balikbayan Box UK

Packaging Balikbayan Box UK


  • Turn the box upside down and completely cover the bottom flaps with tape giving much attention to the flap joints. Apply the tape on the bottom edges/corners 3-4 times for additional security. Please buy good quality packaging tape. (Huwag po tayo magtipid ng parcel tape kung mahal natin ang padala sa pamilya natin). Please do not compromise the security of your boxes.
  • We strongly advise you to completely tape all the outside parts with good quality strong Brown packaging tape. Please note Duct tape is not a good packaging tape, with our years of experience it can easily come off in hot weather conditions and can easily soften the boxes.


  • We strongly advise you to completely tape all the outside parts with good quality strong Brown packaging
    tape. Please note Duct tape is not a good packaging tape, with our years of experience it can easily come off
    in hot weather conditions and can easily soften the boxes.
  • -Before filling up your boxes make sure you apply for additional protection at the bottom e.g. putting additional cut-out cardboard boxes, towels, and or used clothing.

  • Fragile/breakable items must be wrapped properly with bubble wrap, clothing, or towel and secured it in the middle part of the box. Very delicate items must be secured properly to avoid breakage: you may put it in a hard plastic container before putting it in your box. Please avoid mixing fragile items with hard objects like canned goods.

  • Liquids– tighten and secure the cap with tape. We strongly advise customers to add additional reinforcements inside the box when sending liquid in plastic containers e.g. dishwashing, shampoos, detergents, etc. This type of plastic container is NOT designed to resist heavy pressure when your box is loaded in the container, therefore we do not guarantee that liquid will not leak.

    Here are some ways to follow when sending liquid: Balikbayan Box Packing

  • -Customers sending liquid in more than 5 liters volume containers e.g. large dishwashing liquid, fabric conditioner, and cooking oil must be placed in a wooden box or plywood for extra protection. We do not supply wooden boxes but you may fabricate your own.

  • -Do not overfill your box making sure that the upper flaps are kept flat and tight together before applying your packing tape.

  • -Bulky, overfilled, or oversized will incur additional charges.


  • Seal your box completely with good quality tape. Again, apply 3-4 layers of tape on every corner joint.


  • We strongly advise customer to please use high quality permanent ink marker in labelling your box. To avoid erasure: you may cover it with clear tape.
  • Using pre-printed label- make sure that you cover and secure it with clear tape. Labels can easily come off due to friction during transit.


  • Fragile/Breakable items-are being sent at the sender’s own risk. Although we handle your goods with extra care, Electrical appliances, ceramic and porcelain products have the possibility of breaking while on transit. We strongly advise customer to follow the packing tips to minimise the possibility of damages.
  • Liquid Items are not recommended and are being sent at the sender’s own risk. Please follow the packing tips to avoid possible leakage.


If Customs find such items listed bellow during x-ray and examination inside your boxes, your boxes will be held at the Philippine Customs Authorities.
Please follow these guidelines to avoid delays.
  • Tyre/Rim
  • Petrol / Gasoline
  • Machine Operated
  • Dismantled Motorbikes and Dismantled Engines
  • Air Gun or any Gun / Rifle
  • Alcohol or any liquid that causes flame
  • Painting Materials such as paint
  • Battery or any material with Alkaline content.
  • Illegal Drugs and any illegal substance or chemicals


  • Request the BoC information Sheet from our Agent.
  • BoC requires three copies of the BoC Information Sheet, keep one copy for you and give the two copies to our staff collector.
  • Please read the BoC Information Sheet carefully before filling in
  • Write down your name, address, and other relevant information on A Sender Information
  • Write the name, address of the recipient, and other relevant information on B Philippine Based Recipient
  • List down the contents of your box on C Itemised Description of Goods list carefully and accurately.  Please fill up the Packing List provided for every Balikbayan box.
  • Sign the Declaration

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Balikbayan Box UK